Saturday, November 28, 2009

HST to B.C.

This week, Canada's Federal government will vote on legislation that would allow B.C. to go ahead with the HST.  We can expect sites like Twitter and Facebook to heat up with debate on this. 

Now is a great time to write about and comment on how the HST would affect your business.  You might even try sending an email to your local media containing your thoughts on this new tax.  Who knows, a producer or reporter may come across your commentary and want to interview you!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Listen to Yourself

An "audio tic" is like a 'facial' one: you say things, unbeknownst to you, when you are trying to figure out what to say next.  You also don't realize you have it until you listen to a recording of yourself on-air.

I learned the term when I hosted a radio show years ago.  Another host, waiting for his turn in the booth, said, "You know you have an audio tic, right?  You like to use the words 'right' and 'okay' when pausing."

I listened to my 'cast, and he was right.  It was embarassing, because I sounded like an amateur.  Since then, I improved my read to the point that the audio tics were rare.

Do your audience a favor and listen to yourself!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Let It Snow, Let It Snow

The local mountain is opening very early this year, and many city dwellers anticipate a cold, crazy winter based on last year's outcome.  Now's the time for your business to jump on people's hopes and fears.  Are you celebrating an anticipated heavy fall of snow?  Or are you in a business to help out those that hate the white stuff?

Framing your business in a way that is highlighted by the current "hot topic of the day" can make your press release stand out amongst the hundreds the media are inundated with.

Sunday, November 8, 2009


As Remembrance Day nears, poppies are popping up everywhere on-screen.  Even Prince Charles and Camilla are going all-out, sporting TWO red blooms on their jackets.

Which leads to a brainstorm of opportunity: why not wear your company logo year-round?  It can be a large button on your collar, or a shirt with a symbol of your company or passion.  Don't wear a hat, however.  It's a distracting prop.

Even if it consists solely of lettering on the back of a top, don't miss an opportunity to wear it.  News camerapeople frequently take behind-the-back shots of interviewees, while a reporter looks at the subject, silently nodding (it's for b-roll for editing later in the edit suite).